Saturday, September 12, 2015

Part 1: Content = Customer Experience

Businesses strive for several things, however, in our expert opinion they really focus oodles of attention on one highly important factor.  What might that be? Bring website changes to help the end user (consumer) find the right content. Content drives online marketing efforts, and the client experience is key to all business success.

The client experience dictates how consumers see a brand and how they feel about it. Content as it was spoken in the past ‘Content Is King’ is now an afterthought. Content to enrich the experience of consumers is the ‘NOW’.

As a business, content strategy should reflect solely how your business will be communicating with your consumers. Better put, use your 2 ears first and 1 mouth later.  Listen to the clients, hear what they have to say, listen intently to what they want and satisfy their needs.  The results will be quickly evident!  Below are three things to think about in regards to the right content:

  1. Content that is rich that fits the needs of the consumer inside the consumer buying cycle will allow your website to be on the forefront because the information will allow trust to take place onsite.
  2. Your business will increase engagement with new visitors, loyalty with followers and retention with existing clients.
  3. Your business will provide a better client experience, producing more brand allies and increased positive reviews — according to a recent case study a positive review can increase the odds of someone making a purchase by as much as 58 percent.

Creating content for your client experience simply means meeting consumers where they are, both in terms of the websites they visit and their progress towards making a purchase with your business. However, don’t forget post sale, retention is where most businesses fail these days leading to higher new client acquisition costs. Client experience focuses first on retaining the clients you have so you don’t lose them to your completion due to unhappiness, a bad experience, a customer service problem, or just bad business.

The Inevitability Of Strategy For Client Experience

If your businesses primary concern remains with the client experience, then you must be willing to engage your clients wherever they might be (Social Media, Digital Advertising, Outdoor Advertising, etc.), even when they’re not on your website. Occasionally clients might come across your ‘BRAND STRATEGY TECHNIQUES’ or other alternative marketing channels and may not want to visit through to your website.

As a business you have two paths you can take: Engage these potential leads or watch them leave.

Developing a differentiating strategy for your marketing effort means addressing the needs of consumers, regardless of the marketing channel on which they interact with your ‘BRAND’. While bringing people to your business website should always be an objective designed to attract consumers, you also need to provide content that will help and engage them off-site.  This is where relevancy takes place and is critical for any SEO efforts your business partakes in for website strategy.

Establish – Implement – Promote - Monitor

Part 2 will revolve around the client experience journey a consumer goes through inside the consumer buying cycle and where your business strategy needs to focus strict attention...stay tuned!

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